AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, a kind of chronic lethal infection, is caused by HIV, or Huamn Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV infection will cause immunodeficiency, resulting in a series of clinical syndromes such as opportunistic infection. The death rate is almost 100%. HIV is a kind of primates immunodeficiency of lentivirus under retrovirus. It has been proven to have two types: HIV-1 and HIV-2, both of which have its own sub-types. Different sub-types prevail in different areas, while the same sub-type also varies in different areas.
Till today, no effective therapy for this disease has been found by human.
1、human immunodeficiency virus艾滋病病毒 pos=possible 可能患上艾滋病 2、hydraulic ilve position 液压隔离伐位置
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